While We Wait

We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but GOD’s purpose prevails.                            The Message Bible, Pro 19:21

We live in a microwave world, a ‘everything when I need it’ world. Gone are the days when we would save up some money to buy that ‘hot’ coat we see in the shop window. Now, we just reach for the credit card and pay later!

Sadly the societal mindset in the 21st century is increasingly that we should be able to get everything we want when we want just because…well, we want it! On this life journey however we all, and especially those who are single, must stay fully aware that there is still life in spite of singleness… I know, shocking!…and that while we wait for the gift there is much work to be done.

So, here’s the ‘To Do’:

  • Look for ways to be productive whether through volunteering in your community or church;
  • Be ready and available to take those God appointments, you know the kind…you just happen to be in the right place at the right time to see someone in need and you happen to be in a position to give a word of encouragement or offer some other kind of support, yeah those, look out for them;
  • Take time to advance your education or develop new…or old skills;
  • Determine to give of yourself to others – it will help keep your mind off yourself and expand your network of  acquaintances and even build new friendships;
  • Choose to become the best person you can be by paying close attention to who God says you are, what passions He has placed in your heart and what problems He has given you the solutions for and
  • Finally, set your heart and mind to learn from Jesus and pray always, in good times and not-so-good times.

When its all said and done, it is God’s plans and purposes that will prevail so keep the main thing the main thing!



While you wait, you might like this fabulous book by Emily Stimpsom titled ‘The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide for the Single Years: The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Sane and Happy While Waiting on Mr. Right’…I know, it’s a long title but check it out here…//
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